Welcome to Year 6


Welcome to Wainhouse Class
Wainhouse Class are taught by Miss Dinsdale on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mr Collins on a Thursday and Friday.
At Tower Hill, we strive to be the very best versions of ourselves. We know that a sense of belonging and set routines help us to achieve this; please read Wainhouse's routines to help your child be part of the team.
Children in Year 6 are expected to read a minimum of three times a week at home, for at least 15 minutes each time. This can either be independently or to an adult or sibling at home. All children have access to a school library book as well as their Accelerated Reader book which has been matched to their reading ability. Please ensure that each time the children read, it is logged in their reading record with a date and a signature with 'home' written next to it. Where possible, we encourage children to read aloud and discuss what they have been reading with an adult.
Homework will look a little different in Year 6 as we are preparing them for what is ahead when they enter Year 7. A short handwriting task will be given out each Tuesday and due in on a Friday. There will also be a maths or literacy based task for them to complete each week. These may be sent out on different days and require different durations of time to complete so that we are preparing them for how homework is set at Secondary School. There, of course, will be topic based tasks linked to their History, Geography and Science topics each term. If your child is struggling with any homework set, please encourage them to come and speak to one of the team so that we can support them with it. 
Wednesday and Thursday
Please ensure that your child comes to school on these days, wearing their PE kit-uniform and suitable footwear. Long hair will need to be tied back and earrings taken out please. 
Year 6 is such an exciting final year for the children and we are looking forward to teaching them. If you have any questions, please seek out a member of the Team.
Miss Dinsdale and Mr Collins