
Year R

If you have a child who will be due to start school at the beginning of the next school year, you must apply for a place for them even if you want them to attend your local Primary or Infant School. You can apply online or by completing the Hampshire common application form (CR2) which is available from school.

The Published Admission Number (PAN) enables 60 children to be admitted to the Reception Class. This is the maximum number of children who can be accepted for Year R except in very special circumstances. It is therefore important that parents or carers of prospective pupils submit their applications by the published deadline. Late applications can only be considered if there are still places available. Children with parents or carers living in the catchment area will normally be given priority over those outside the catchment area but only if their application is submitted before the published closing date.

Children of parents and carers living outside the catchment area may be offered a place if spaces are available.

Our catchment area is a rectangle bounded on the north side by the main railway line, on the east by the A325, on the south by the airfield and on the west by Cove Brook (plus a small triangle in the top left corner to take in Nash Close and Cove Road from the brook to West Heath roundabout).

 Please use the following link to access admissions information for Hampshire schools:


The following link will provide information to parents about starting school, compulsory school age and starting school options including how to delay or defer entry to reception.





Year 3

If your child is currently at an Infant School and you would like them to transfer to Tower Hill in Year 3 rather than their linked Junior School then you are advised first to contact the Head Teacher about the likely availability of places. Follow the following link to find out how to apply for a place in Year 3:

Applications outside the normal admission time

Parents and carers moving into the area part way through the school year should contact the Head Teacher as early as possible for advice on availability of places.

More Information and Admissions Policy

You can find more information about Hampshire Admissions Procedures and Policies on Hantsweb or, of course, you can contact the School Office. This link will take you to information about the in-year admissions process. 


You can find information about the Appeals Process here:


You can find information about School Catchment Areas here: