School Information
School Vision, Aims and Values
School Improvement and Development Plan
Tower Hill Tour
Role and aims
Governor Details
Governor NewslettersMinutes of FGB Meetings 2023.24
Minutes of FGB Meetings 2022.23
Minutes of FGB Meetings 2021.22
Minutes of Finance and Personnel Meetings 2023.24
Minutes of Finance and Personnel Meetings 2022.23
Minutes of Finance and Personnel Meetings 2021.22
Minutes of Premises 2023.24
Minutes of Premises Meetings 2022.23
Minutes of Premises Meetings 2021.22
Our team
Government policies
SEND Information Report
Sports Premium & Events
Pupil Premium
Catch Up
SEND team
Here at Tower Hill we are fortunate to have an amazing team supporting our children and families.
First meet our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator) Mrs C. Cartlidge. She has been with the school for many years supporting our children and families with special needs ensuring they get what the need to make progress here at Tower Hill.
Mrs G. Meaney is our Family Support link worker. Her role is to ensure that our families stay connected to the school and is there for support and advice to ensure that our children get the best start in life, where possible.
Miss Laura Freemantle is our SENDCo Assistant. Miss Freemantle works alongside the SENDCo & Pastoral Team to liaise with members of our Learning Support team. We strive to ensure all the children at Tower Hill have access to the support they need to make progress both in learning and socially.
Mrs Clare Down is our Pastoral / Safeguarding Assistant. Her role is to support the Pastoral & Designated Safeguarding teams through managing information sharing and ensuring all paperwork is transferred appropriately at points when children join or leave Tower Hill. She is also a point of contact for all families that have questions related to any aspect of school processes and procedures.
Finally, Mrs Lee Bavastock is our Emotional Support Assistant. Her role is to work with children who need emotional support, this ranges from anxiety to bereavement and much more. Mrs Bavastock draws on a variety of techniques to help children build resilience and confidence. This includes helping children to develop strategies to manage their emotions, therapeutic art sessions and sometimes accompanying groups of children to Huckleberries Nurture Farm.