The School Day

The School Office is open between 8.15am and 4.30pm. However out-of-school hours or during busy periods, messages should be left in order for calls to be returned at the first available opportunity.

 We conform to the legal requirements for the school day and our hours are as follows: 



9.00 am 

School Starts

10.30 /10.45am

EY and KSI/KSII Breaktime

11.45am – 12.45pm

12.15pm – 1.05pm

12.25pm – 1.15pm                       

Lunchtime YR, Y1 & Y2

Lunchtime Y6

Lunchtime Y3, Y4 & Y5

2.00 – 2.10 pm

Break time EY & Key Stage 1

3.20 pm 

Home time



 The total hours provided in a typical week are 31 hours 40 minutes. 


 *Pupils may arrive from 8.50am, at which time there are multiple members of staff on duty in the playground. Children are encouraged to go straight into class and not to 'hang around' on the playground.   For reasons of safety we would be grateful if children did not arrive at school before 8.50am unless attending Breakfast Club.