Welcome to Alloa!


Welcome to Alloa!

Welcome to Alloa Class in Year 3
Check our page regularly to see what exciting things we have been up to!
Please see Mrs Ward, Mrs Thomas or Ms Membery if you have any questions this year, or feel free to speak to any member of the Year 3 team.
- Our P.E days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Remember to read at home three times each week and bring your reading book to school every day!
Here are some of the exciting things we will be doing this term:
  • Learning about Rivers and going on a field trip to a real river!
  • Learning about Ancient Egypt
  • Finding out all about The Iron Man and how he crashed in our school!
  • Reading James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
  • Preparing a wonderful class assembly to show you our learning
  • Working on earning our Bronze Timetable Badge
  • Getting ready for Christmas and our Carol Concert 
And so many more! We can't wait to tell you all about our exciting learning!