Ofsted 2011

School Information

Ofsted 2011


Every school strives to be the best it can for its pupils, so you will understand how delighted we are that our efforts have been endorsed by the latest Ofsted inspection (October 2011). Here are some of their comments:

A relentless pursuit of excellence over the last four years has led to exceptional improvement in the school. The clear commitment to ensure that pupils should be the very best they can possibly be is seen in all areas of school life.

Pupils' outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exemplified by their outstanding behaviour.

Pupils learn extremely well in this school because of the consistently high quality teaching and the creative curriculum that is highly motivating for all groups of pupils.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities make the same high rates of progress as other pupils. This is due to high quality support from talented teaching assistants and lessons where tasks are closely matched to their needs.

The highly effective headteacher has brought together all staff into a cohesive team. Together with the governing body, they have an extremely well developed ambition to drive forward school improvement.

A well above average proportion of parents and carers completed questionnaires about the school. These are overwhelmingly positive and supportive of the school.

You can read the full report plus previous reports from the Ofsted website.

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