Helpful information for Parents and Guardians

Keeping children safe online can sometimes feel quite daunting. The internet is an ever-changing place that children seem to be able to navigate so easily.
There are many places that you as parents and guardians can visit online to help with your child's E-Safety Education.
At Tower Hill we teach the children about keeping themselves safe in all areas of life as well as staying safe online and want to support you to be able to do the same at home. We need to constantly remind the children about how to stay safe when using the internet or different apps and to remind them that they must always talk to a trusted grown up if anything is bothering them. 
Here are some helpful links and resources that you can use to develop your own knowledge about keeping your child safe. You could also share some of these resources and the information with your child so that they can really make informed and sensible decisions and understand the need for parental controls and using the internet in an open space. 
UK Safer Internet Centre:
Here you have access to an advice centre, hotline/helpline and can see what children of any age should be taught about being safe online.
NSPCC Online Safety:
Here you have access to articles and information about how to talk to your children about keeping safe online as well as what to look out for if you suspect something isn't going as it should.
Think U Know:
Here is a great website for you to use with your child. There are videos specifically targeted to different age ranges to ensure that they are only covering things that are age appropriate.